Have you or someone you love been automatically charged as an adult?
Just Kids wants to work with you! Fill out the form below so we can work in partnership to share your unique experience to change the way youth charged as adults are treated in Maryland. Just Kids believes that those who were impacted by the system are experts in how to change the system. Together we can raise awareness about this important issue.
Any information obtained from this form or while talking with you that could identify you will be kept confidential. We will never refer to your individual case by name or release any information without you or your parent/guardian’s permission.
Check out the Just Kids Storybank Blog to see how stories bring a voice to the facts.
Call Kevin Reverley (Youth Organizer) at 410.706.3940
“When you have an adult charge as a juvenile, it haunts you for a lifetime. It impacts all aspects of my life. It’s really disheartening to apply for jobs and my criminal record from when I was 17 still pops up-34 years later. Even when I apply for positions I am trained in, employers deny me based on my criminal record.”
LeslieHear Kevin’s story:
Check out Jabriera’s story: